
Why do my FireKing keys not work?

If you ordered a brand new set of FireKing keys using the "FL" serial number and the keys do not work. Your cabinet at one point or another had its original lock replaced. When Fireking originally installs brand new locks into their cabinets they tie a set of working keys to the "FL" serial number found inside the cabinet. But if you end up replacing the lock and dont update the new keys with FireKing. The next time you lose your keys and decide to order a brand new pair. The new pair of keys will not work because they dont match the lock that was installed.

That is why whenever you order a brand new FireKing lock from We make sure to update the new working keys to the file cabinet as long as you provide us with the "FL" serial number. If you dont provide us with the file cabinet's serial number. Then we unfortunately have no way to inform FireKing of the file cabinet’s lock change.

The only solution to fixing this issue though is to replace the lock. We are unable to determine what the working key is to a FireKing cabinet that has had its lock changed and the serial number wasnt updated.

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    We'll be happy to verify the key was cut correctly though. Just send us a nice and close up picture of the key you received. =)

    If you need a walk through on how to remove the lock let us know. We have a document we can send you with instructions.

    Edited by Yucel
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